Our Story

How it began

Carp Chaos was founded by a keen 19 year old angler wanting to stand out on and off the bank. After constantly working on designs, the Bivvied Up Collection was created. Although finding a manufacture would prove to be another mission in itself! Trying to get the best quality at affordable prices meant a lot of time spent getting samples from different places all around the world. Once we had selected the best manufacture for this, we were left with £200 to invest into stock ready for release.

In the meantime we were creating the website ready for the big day! When the drop finally came, it was clear that the community were loving our designs and story we had to offer. From that moment, every penny generated has been put back into the brand. We are now 10 months down the line and loving every minute of our journey! We recently attended our first event, running a pop up stall for they day.

If you would like to join us and become apart of our journey, headover to our socials where we are sharing every step. We also have a Facebook group 'Carp Chaos Community' which is where we interact with the community we are building along our way!

Our Future

In the future we are going to be adding to the range with more unique designs and items of clothing that have never been seen before! Our mission is to not only establish ourselves as one of the top brands in angling but also as a clothing brand outside of the fishing community.